I finally figured out why I never get around to posting. I hate editing my pictures lol. Its' not like I even have a lot to do, I just crop them. But I hate it. lol sorry! SO here's another looooong post!
It was a GREAT month for my lemming squashing. Y'all saw in my last two week
post I was lucky enough to acquire EDM
The Fifth Element. Anyone remember what my other MAJOR lemming was...? Anyone? Anyone?.... Bueller? YES! Lime Crime
Pastelchio. Holy balls I almost died when I saw they were restocked. I bought two bottles and
Parfait Day. It took FOREVERRRRR to get here (literally almost a month). I don't know what the problem was.
When my package finally arrived, I was a little shocked. The bottles are small as hell! Not like I'll ever use two bottles, but these are not as big as I expected. Anyways, application was a tad tricky. The finish is in between matte and gloss so it kind of dries fast and a bit streaky. A second coat fixed that right up.
Two coats Lime Crime Pastelchio and Parfait Day |
Back when Ulta was having their 2/$15 OPI sale, I went and snagged the next couple polishes.
I was on a red-orange kick for a while, and OPI My Paprika id Hotter than Yours was perfect for me! Its a creamy polish with a hint of gold pearl shimmer. This is really a gorgeous color! It's gonna be great when fall rolls around again.
Two coats OPI My Paprika is Hotter than Yours |
Another lemming of mine that I never really discussed was OPI
Russian Navy. I was almost afraid it was discontinued because I NEVER saw it anywhere. My mom was with me and she saw it first. It went a little something like this:
Mom: Oh this is a cute one!
looks over, thinks its RN, eyes go wide...frantic tone in voice What is it??!
turns bottle over Rus --
football tackles Mom, snatches bottle OHMYGAWD I'VE BEEN WANTING THIS FOREVER!!!
Okay, I didn't really tackle her, but I about ripped her hand off snatching it from her lol This color is kind of hard to explain. In the bottle it looks like a deep blurple, but when you get it on its a gorgeous indigo shimmer.
Two coats OPI Russian Navy |
I even did some nail art! I had been wanting to do abstract roses for a while (seen on
The Lacquerologist and @newlypolished on IG). I think these look more like fried eggs than roses. But not too shabby. I'll just need a different color scheme next time lol
Abstract roses/eggs nail art |
Next is China Glaze
Purple Panic. I LOVE the waxy matte look. I have no clue why they call it "purple", its most def neon pink. But whatever.
Two coats China Glaze Purple Panic |
I found some ChG Fairy Dust at Ulta too. I had to get it based on what everyone always says about it. Y'all are blinded by the glitter nazis. This was NOT as awesome as all the hype. I was just meh about it.
GhG Fairy Dust over Purple Panic |
Hold on to your panties! I actually used a texture polish! I know, its nuts. I am so OCD about things on my nails. If a glitter it to gritty I'm constantly touching them and picking at it. Surprisingly, that did not happen. This was my 4th of July mani. Pretty boring, sadly. I was in the process of cleaning and packing for my vacation so I didn't get to do what I wanted. This was a quick substitution. I used OPI Liquid Sand polish in The Impossible and SH Pacific Blue stamped with Color Club Harp On It.
OPI The Impossible and Sally Hansen Pacific Blue |
Last but not least, I used Orly
Androgyne. I've had this for a while, I can't remember if I got it at Ulta or Sally's. But its gorgeous. There is so much to look at in it. It's a dark greenish brown jelly base that builds to look black in two coats (shown). There are gold flakies and clear iridescent hex glitters that change from gold to orange to teal to deep blue at different angles. There's also some holo glitter thrown in.
Two coats Orly Androgyne |
Yay! OK all caught up! Have a great weekend y'all! and enjoy this little nugget I found on vacation in Georgia! ;D
Follow me on Pinterest & Instagram @nauti_mermaid