Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pineapple-Mango-Tini and Essie "No More Film"

Happy Weekend Y’all! So sorry I didn’t post yesterday...I got sidetracked.  But  it’s a long weekend, so technically, I’m on schedule! Anyways, this weekend’s drink is a Pineapple-Mango-Tini. Yuuuum! I know the ingredients sound hard to find and expensive, but keep reading!  I am keeping my cheap-o promise.

You’ll Need
  • Absolut Mango Vodka*
  • Mango Nectar
  • Pineapple Juice
  • Ice – maybe

Make It!
This recipe started out as a martini, but you’ve seen how my measurements go, so it ended up being a large drink in a regular glass.  If you want to keep it an actual martini, here are the REAL measurements: 2 oz. Vodka, 2 oz. Mango Nectar, and 1 oz. Pineapple Juice.  Play with it guys, it’s just a drink – you can’t go wrong. 

Okay so back to the little “*” by the Absolut.  I had some extra hanging around from like, my 21st Birthday, so I wanted to use it up.  This is the only drink I’ve ever made with the stuff and it is amazeballs, for lack of a better word.  I only had 2 drinks worth of the Absolut left, then I switched back to my Red Cup vodka and I really could barely tell the difference.  The mango vodka just makes the drink sweeter.

Now, MANGO NECTAR: WTF? Is this girl crazy?  I had never heard of it before and it took me forever to finally find it.  If you’re wondering where to get this, try the ethnic food section in your grocery store (it might also be called mango puree).  AND it's only about $3 for a carton. I live in Florida, so we have a ton of weird Spanish-people food/drinks around.  If you can’t find it...I don’t know what to tell you, besides you’re missing out!  But you can come to my house and I’ll make it for you! lol :)

Essie No More Film Manicure

I kept this week’s mani pretty basic.  I absolutely love any Essie color, so I will TRY not to be biased when I talk about them.

This color is SO AWESOME!! At first you think it’s a dark blue, but then you get into the sun and it turns a weird purple-indigo, THEN you get inside and it looks almost black!  I caught myself just staring at it a bunch of times trying to figure out how to best describe it and that’s what I came up with.  You just gotta get it for yourself and try it because these pictures do not do it justice!

Left: Essie No More Film (outside)
Right: same (inside)
Left: 2 coats Essie No More Film (outside)
Right: same (inside)

Essie like, never chips on me, but this time it did.  I am totally blaming the Seche Clear basecoat.  For next week’s mani I’m not going to use a base coat and see if I get chippage.  The last two times I have used it, my nails have chipped like crazy. :(

See you next week!  Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and let’s please not forget the real reason we can celebrate it!  If you see a military veteran, or anyone still in the military, buy them a damn drink, give them a hug and say THANK YOU!! 

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