Well hello Lovelies! Happy Tuesday! Did everyone enjoy St. Patrick’s Day? Hope you weren’t hurting too bad on Monday. This week I have swatches of Stardust Polish’s complete Alice in Wonderland Collection for you! The lovely Drema was so nice to send me the line to swatch and review :]
The line includes five pearl based polishes, one holo, and one thermal. So.Great!! All swatches of the pearl based polish are shown with one to two coats of Out The Door topcoat. This is needed to tame the glitter.
First up is Painting the Roses Red. This is a slivery white pearl based polish with small ruby red holo glitters and medium matte black hex glitters. I did two coats Painting the Roses Red over one coat of Sinful Colors Snow Me White. Easy application, there was a good amount of glitter on the brush each time.
Two coats Stardust Polish Painting the Roses Red
over one coat Sinful Colors Snow Me White |
This is the first ever pearl polish I have used, so it took me a little bit to get the hang of it. I figured the thicker you apply it, the better it looks and the more it builds. Normal dry time.
Next is Who Are You?, a blue pearl based polish with large blue hex glitters and medium yellow hex glitters. This blue OMG!! It reminds me of the metallic look of Essie Aruba Blue but with the added bonus of glitter! This is three coats of Who Are You? with no undies. Very buildable polish. It would have been okay with two coats, but I had a few bald spots [I was still getting the hang of the application]. Normal dry time also.
Three coats Stardust Polish Who Are You? |
Next is Un-Birthday Party. It’s a green pearl based polish with all sorts of glitter! You’ve got medium and small purple, blue, orange, red, gold and green hex and square glitters. I really loved the idea of this polish, but I think the glitter got lost once it was on. When I first swatched it, I put it over a green base [some O.P.I. – I forget] and only did one coat. The glitter stood out much more then. This is three coats, no undies. I still like it a lot! [This was my second favorite of the pearl based polish]
Three coats Stardust Polish Un-Birthday Party |
Everyone’s Mad Here is a pink pearl based polish with small magenta holo hex glitters and medium matte purple square glitters. This is three coats, no undies. I feel like the glitter is lost in this one also. I will definitely need to try it over a pink base, because he glitter combo is very pretty. I’ll be sure to post when I do!
Three coats Stardust Polish Everyone's Mad Here |
The last pearl based [and definitely my favorite of them] is Down the Rabbit Hole. It’s a purple pearl based polish that kind of has a blue/purple color shift. There’s small charcoal and silver holo hex glitters throughout. Yummies! Again, three coats, no undies.
Three coats Stardust Polish Down the Rabbit Hole |
I think these pearl polishes are unique because it looks like the glitter is popping out at you. In reality, if you don’t put a generous amount of topcoat on, it is popping out and it will be bumpy. But once you smooth with a topcoat, it has a really cool effect.
Now the holooooo polsihhhh of the collection! I really need to stop saying I don’t like certain kinds of polish, because I always have to eat my words [besides crackle – I will forever dislike that stuff!]. I said before I didn’t really like gold polish because it looks tacky. Welllllllll I changed my mind! Golden Afternoon is a gold polish with fine holo dust. It’s not a bam-crazy-look at-this-linear holo like any of the Color Club Halo Hues. There’s just the most subtle hint of shimmer in the right light. I liked it so much I wore it for a few days. I did two coats Golden Afternoon, no undies. Dry time was quick. It wore well - no chippage :]
Two coats Stardust Polish Golden Afternoon
[light box lighting] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Golden Afternoon
[normal indoor lighting] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Golden Afternoon
[direct sun] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Golden Afternoon
[direct sun - blurred] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Golden Afternoon
[direct sun - blurred] |
Ready for this??? A thermal polish! I’ve been mesmerized by thermals for so long now and I’ve been meaning to order some. I’m glad Eat Me! was my first one. It goes from a dusty mauve-ish when cold to a light violet red when warm. Oh. And the nice mini silver holo hex glitters aren’t horrible to look at either ;] I have swatched with and without undies.
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!
[no undies, normal temperature] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!
[no undies, dipped in ice water] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!
[no undies, ran under hot water] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!
[no undies, pointer & middle cold; ring & pinky warm] |
I wanted to be entertained by the color changes and see the effect while going about my normal days, so I used this polish over Zoya Jolene. This polish wears well also. No chipping or tip wear after three days [that’s an ooolllld mani around these parts! lol].
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!over Zoya Jolene
[cold] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!over Zoya Jolene
[normal temperature] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!over Zoya Jolene
[normal temperature] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!over Zoya Jolene
[normal temperature - blurred] |
Two coats Stardust Polish Eat Me!over Zoya Jolene
[normal/cold contrast - I was cutting up cold tomatoes lol] |
Well, I hope you enjoyed the swatch fest!! Now, go check out Stardust Polish on storenvy! Prices range from $6.25 to $8.25 for the Alice in Wonderland polish. I popped over to the shop to post the link and saw a sweeeeet red linear holo [Miss Temptation] along with some other nice lookin polish. :] Follow on IG @stardustpolish
Follow me on Pinterest [@miss_best] & IG [@nauti_mermaid]